Delayed grad-ification
Mini commencement re-created for scholar-athlete who missed June ceremony for eyesight-saving surgery

Surrounded by the love and Anteater spirit of family and friends, Christopher Swieca received his diploma from University of California, Irvine Chancellor Howard Gillman on Tuesday, July 12.
The business economics major and member of the men’s water polo team wasn’t sure the day would ever come – not because he didn’t study hard and earn it, but because his eyes were giving him trouble, bad trouble. He had detached retinas in both eyes.
If Swieca hadn’t had the surgery that kept him from the June 10 commencement ceremony, he could have lost his eyesight. And if he didn’t have a grandmother with perfect penmanship who sat down and wrote a note to the chancellor detailing the story, he might have gotten his diploma in the mail.
Instead, the chancellor’s office was transformed into a mini commencement theater; a staff member sang “The Star Spangled Banner”; Swieca’s four-year roommate, Jared Osborn, prepared a speech; and family, water polo teammates, coach Marc Hunt, athletic director Mike Izzi and a hefty complement of media gathered to celebrate his accomplishments.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
“We’re all here because somebody loves us,” Gillman said, before asking parents Tom and Susan Swieca and grandparents Sandra and Robert Schrader to stand and be acknowledged.
“I am humbled, happy and excited that people care enough to do this,” Swieca said. “I am very grateful.”