UCI votes
All over the country, record numbers of voters are standing in lines to cast their votes in what many are calling the most historic election of our time.
All over the country, record numbers of voters are standing in lines to cast their votes in what many are calling the most historic election of our time.
Presidential candidates and political bloggers typically have a lot to say, but the subtext to their messages isn’t always clear.
Republican Sen. John McCain has staked his bid for the U.S. presidency on his reputation as a “political maverick,” a politician who is unafraid to cross party lines to “vote his conscience” on important policy issues.
In 2007, UC Irvine student leaders from Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Druze and unaffiliated backgrounds set a goal to take a fact-finding trip to Israel and Palestine to better understand the nature of ongoing conflicts in the region.
Digital money or currency – a broad term describing any technology providing access to or even replacing traditional functions of money – is not limited to developing countries.
Are those crisp green bills wilting in your wallet? Coins collecting dust? As face-to-face transfers of money grow rarer in an increasingly digital world, cash is no longer king.
Experts on everything from reconstructing the human hand to interpreting the U.S. Constitution have joined the UC Irvine faculty in the last year.
There’s no shortage of political opinion at UC Irvine, and a number of campus groups and student organizations have organized events where those opinions can be heard.
Call it the little state with the big reach. Rhode Island is touching UC Irvine in a big way by selecting Ron Carlson’s “Five Skies” as its statewide reading pick for 2009.
Inequality literally is making people sick, says Michael Montoya, UC Irvine anthropology and Chicano/Latino studies assistant professor.