Everyday objects help teach basic biology
Diane O’Dowd uses objects from her garage to demonstrate biology principles and engage students.
Diane O’Dowd uses objects from her garage to demonstrate biology principles and engage students.
New information about the inner workings of earthquake faults could change how experts estimate the potential for the next “big one,” according to UC Irvine researchers.
UCI physicist Gary Chanan focuses on fine-tuning the world’s largest telescopes.
Camera in hand, Gilberto Cardenas has chronicled his journey from soldier to undergrad researcher. His photographs have appeared in international scientific journals.
Turfgrass management can create more greenhouse gas than plants remove from atmosphere, study finds.
People with impaired mobility after a stroke soon may have a therapy that restores limb function long after the injury, if a supplemental protein works as well in humans as it does in paralyzed rats.
Like a dirty filter, the Earth’s oceans are growing less efficient at absorbing vast amounts of carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas produced by fossil-fuel burning, reports a study co-authored by Francois Primeau, UC Irvine Earth system science associate professor.
Suzanne Blum, assistant professor of chemistry, previews her public talk about glowing molecules.
It’s been five years since Californians approved Proposition 71, which created the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and authorized up to $3 billion for the emerging field of stem cell biology. Since then, UCI’s program has thrived.
UC Irvine honors organ donors, recipients and families with rose dedication ceremony, including one woman whose decision to donate her husband’s organs gave rise to a new program at UC Irvine Medical Center.