Concurrent heat waves, air pollution exacerbate negative health effects of each
Future may bring more overlap of synergistic weather factors, UCI researchers warn
Future may bring more overlap of synergistic weather factors, UCI researchers warn
Long-term impact of climate change on US cities is rising, UCI researchers find
Nine times more ice is melting annually due to warmer temperatures
Data are dramatically increasing knowledge of how the ocean is melting the ice sheet
$140 million consortium aims to improve competitiveness of US industry
UCI faculty are joining thousands of colleagues across California in signing an open letter on climate change to President Donald Trump and his administration, calling on them “in the most urgent terms possible, to maintain our country’s commitment to meeting the greenhouse gas emission targets set forth in the Paris Climate Agreement.” The U.S. signed the pact last […]
UCI is first college in nation to convert to all-electric bus fleet
Channels give warm ocean water access to their undersides, speeding glacier retreat
UCI is sustaining its outsized reputation for tracking and tackling environmental challenges
From Nobel Prize-winning findings about the planet’s rapidly changing atmosphere to innovative technologies and solutions, the campus is ahead of the curve on the most daunting challenges of our time. Surging king tides and fiercer storms along the West Coast are being plotted on real-time three-dimensional maps by UCI engineers for Newport Beach and Tijuana, and social […]