Unconventional Instruction
Innovative teachers shake up traditional lectures to engage students and improve learning
Innovative teachers shake up traditional lectures to engage students and improve learning
UCI opens its classrooms to the largest-ever incoming class of freshmen, transfer students
UCI’s Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics has received a five-year, $7.2 million operating grant from the National Institutes of Health, marking 30 years of NIH funding for the lab. The LFD is a state-of-the-art facility that allows researchers to use fluorescence with advanced imaging technologies (microscopy and spectroscopy) to view live cells and study cellular processes. This can […]
Musician-turned-UCI bioengineer strives for on-demand evolution enabling cells to conduct specific beneficial functions
A UCI team led by Ilya Krivorotov, professor of physics & astronomy, is one of nine interdisciplinary groups to share a new $18 million research grant from the National Science Foundation. The UCI scientists and engineers will receive $2 million to study “nonreciprocal magneto-acoustic waves in chiral magnetic systems” under the NSF’s NewLAW program, which was established […]
UCI engineering advisory group collaborated on report, which urges more investment
EVENT: The Orange County branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers will release the 2016 Orange County Infrastructure Report Card. Now in its fourth issuance, the report card provides an overall grade for the county’s infrastructure as well as breakdown evaluations in aviation, electrical power, flood control, ground transportation, natural gas, oil, parks, recreation & […]
Ultimate goal of research is to turn waste heat into electricity
Gregory Washington has been appointed to a second five-year term as the Stacey Nicholas Dean of Engineering, effective July 1. He joined The Henry Samueli School of Engineering as dean in 2011 and has overseen a number of noteworthy accomplishments. Undergraduate enrollment has increased by 19 percent, while graduate enrollment has increased by 21 percent. […]