
Sunny Jiang
UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Civil engineers research coronavirus in the bathroom and sewage systems

Can coronavirus be spread with the flush of a toilet? Can it be detected in municipal waste water treatment facilities? Sunny Jiang, professor and chair in UCI’s Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, is working two simultaneous projects to answer these questions, which she discusses in this episode of the UCI Podcast. To get the […]

Beckman Laser Institute receives Air Force funding for wounded warriors project

Renewed grant of $6.8 million to aid in development of optics-based trauma treatments

UCI scientists engineer human cells with squid-like transparency

Bioinspired research project a first step toward intrinsically translucent tissue

Microorganisms in parched regions extract needed water from colonized rocks

Interdisciplinary UCI-led team is first to demonstrate long-suspected survival strategy

UCI team develops smartphone application for coronavirus contact tracing

Technology anonymously notifies users of potential exposure to COVID-19

UCI-led team designs carbon nanostructure stronger than diamonds

Novel plate-cell architecture reaches theoretical limit of performance

First-year medical student Catriona Lewis assembles face shields developed by UCI engineering, arts, medicine and nursing faculty at Beall Applied Innovation’s University Lab Partners facility.

UCI supports those on front lines with face shields

Interdisciplinary team designs, tests, produces and delivers 5,000 units to medical center within 17 days

UCI team demonstrates ability to supercharge cells with mitochondrial transplantation

Procedure could unlock cures for heart disease, cancer and neurodegenerative disorders

Sunny Jiang

Driven for desalinization

UCI researchers are part of a national mission to create affordable water treatment solutions

UCI-led project seeks to combat wildfires

A University of California, Irvine-led team has received $3.6 million over three years for a project that uses science and engineering to help California fight wildfires. The funding comes from the University of California Laboratory Fees Research Program competition, a contest designed to promote the development of multicampus projects and collaborations that advance the missions […]