Science & Technology

Two people walking through burned trees in a forest landscape.

California wildfires have become more severe, killing more trees, UC Irvine researchers find

More state forests are vulnerable to wildfire due to climate change

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

The UCI Podcast: Directing biomedical evolution

Chang Liu’s Science study outlines improvements to the gene evolution system his lab developed

Won awarded $6 million Department of Defense research grant

Multidisciplinary initiative to investigate thermal energy technologies

composite photograph of three male scientists.

A trick of light: UC Irvine researchers turn silicon into direct bandgap semiconductor

Discovery enables manufacturing of ultrathin solar panels, advanced optoelectronics

UC Irvine scientists identify potential deep-ocean greenhouse gas storage solution

Marine bacteria could store carbon long-term as complex organic molecules

Distinguished visitors

Autonomous University of Hidalgo delegation visit strengthens institutions’ academic and research connections

An experimental bonfire

UC Irvine scientists track and analyze lofted embers that cause spot fires

Live field experiments in Sierra Nevada mountains are first of their kind

UC Irvine researchers discover atomic-level mechanism in polycrystalline materials

Findings could herald more efficient electronics, aerospace and automotive technologies

Stacy Copp receives award from National Institutes of Health

Recognition spotlights UC Irvine researcher’s nanomaterials advances

UC Irvine grad student training program aims to broaden access to cardiovascular care

New NSF-funded initiative emphasizes technological solutions to health disparities