Press Releases

UC Irvine oncologist launches journal on care of adolescent and young adult patients

Dr. Leonard Sender believes adolescents and young adults with cancer often receive the wrong treatment. Sender and a new journal support changes in cancer care may improve currently stagnant survival rates.

Social sciences dean Barbara Dosher elected to National Academy of Sciences

UCI faculty now boasts 26 members of the prestigious organization.

Dalai Lama

Armaan Rowther plans a series of events on interfaith cooperation.

UCI physician leads study to ease children's fear of surgery

Dr. Zeev Kain, professor and chair of anesthesiology & perioperative care, will use a $3.2 million National Institutes of Health grant for a research effort aimed at lessening the anxiety and pain children feel before and after an operation.

UCI to celebrate Earth Day with tree-planting event

Campus also was honored twice this month for its commitment to sustainability.

UCI surpasses $600 million mark in fundraising campaign

Enthusiastic community support in a difficult economy shows commitment to UCI’s mission.

Dr. Ralph V. Clayman an honorary fellow in Scotland

Dean of the UC Irvine School of Medicine and professor of urology receives an honorary fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, which for more than 500 years has been dedicated to the maintenance and promotion of the highest standards of surgical practice.

UCI joins Best Practices for Better Care campaign

Association of American Medical Colleges’ campaign aims to improve quality and safety in healthcare.

UCI Breast Health Center receives top accreditation by American College of Surgeons

Accredited centers have demonstrated excellence in leadership, clinical management, research, community outreach, professional education, and quality improvement practices.

UC Irvine doctors perform West Coast’s first robotic surgery on spine

Technology seen to increase precision, enhance healing and improve results.