Physical Sciences

Veteran student pictures a better life

Camera in hand, Gilberto Cardenas has chronicled his journey from soldier to undergrad researcher. His photographs have appeared in international scientific journals.

Amy Townsend-Small

‘Green’ spaces may worsen global warming

Turfgrass management can create more greenhouse gas than plants remove from atmosphere, study finds.

Year of discovery, growth at UCI

High points of 2009 range from the volleyball court to the operating room with demonstrations of drive and dedication by UC Irvine students, faculty and staff.

From high tech to high kicks

Domingos Begalli, physical sciences computer resource manager, brings the Brazilian martial art capoeira to campus.

Nobelist F. Sherwood Rowland (right) and chemistry chair Donald Blake

Perfect chemistry

The first person Donald Blake met when he walked into UC Irvine’s chemistry department in 1978 was F. Sherwood Rowland, clad in shorts and sandals, a towering 6 feet 5 inches tall. Rowland, department chair, was considering the UCLA senior for a graduate position.   “We talked about lots of things, and in the end […]

UCI biologist Peter Bryant

Ocean critters captured on film

Peter Bryant, developmental & cell biology professor, has spent decades photographing tide pool invertebrates called filter feeders, which keep the water clear by eating suspended matter and food particles.