Media Advisories

US Treasurer Rosie Rios to discuss currency redesign at UCI event

EVENT: U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios, the driving force behind plans to put a woman on the new $10 bill, will talk about currency redesign and answer questions in an appearance at UCI. WHEN/WHERE: 4:30-5:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, Room 1517, Social & Behavioral Sciences Gateway (bldg. 214, grid F9 and F10 on campus map: […]

First symposium in UCI series to explore US immigration policy

EVENT:  Fifty years after passage of the landmark Immigration & Nationality Act, an array of expert scholars, journalists, historians and lawyers will gather for a two-day conference at UCI to discuss the past, present and future of U.S. immigration policy – examining the shift from 1965’s inclusionary vision to the enforcement patterns of today. “Transforming Migrations: Beyond […]

Press preview: ‘My Virtual Dream’ technology to produce brain-wave art at UCI

EVENT: What kind of art would journalists’ brain waves produce? Put your gray matter to the test in a preview demonstration of “My Virtual Dream,” a multisensory experience to be featured by UCI’s Department of Neurology and School of Medicine at the 50th Anniversary Festival of Discovery. WHEN/WHERE:   4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 2, in UCI’s Aldrich Park (F7 […]

Summit hosted by UCI, O.C. United Way alliance will address county’s social issues

EVENT: The University of California, Irvine and Orange County United Way have partnered to form O.C. Working Together, which is hosting a daylong summit to improve and expand collective efforts to help the county’s least fortunate. UCI faculty and graduate students, O.C. United Way leaders, chief executives from O.C. nonprofits, religious leaders and elected officials will […]

SoCal team invites media to tour poppy-inspired solar home designed for national competition

EVENT: Media, come take a sneak peek at Casa del Sol, the solar-powered, drought-resistant home that 100 students from UCI, Chapman University, Irvine Valley College and Saddleback College have designed and built for the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon. Working in scorching heat and drenching storms, they have constructed a house patterned after the […]

Photo exhibition at UCI commemorates 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

EVENT: “Blood in the Water: A Katrina Remembrance” is an exhibit of photographs taken shortly after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, in particular New Orleans, in 2005. The photos are by Jon Hughes, photojournalist and professor of English & journalism at the University of Cincinnati, and are curated – with accompanying commentary – by New […]

UCI’s Vietnamese American Oral History Project and OC Parks are hosting an eight-month exhibition of photos, artwork and oral histories to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon and the influx of Vietnamese refugees and immigrants into the US.

UCI-OC Parks exhibition celebrates diversity of Vietnamese American experience

EVENT: UCI’s Vietnamese American Oral History Project and OC Parks present “Vietnamese Focus: Generations of Stories,” an interactive art and history exhibition that captures the compelling and complex Vietnamese experience before, during and after the Vietnam War. Utilizing photos, documents, oral histories, artifacts and artwork, the eight-month exhibition commemorates the 40th anniversary of the fall […]

State water officials, researchers provide latest drought data, strategies

EVENT: Four top experts on California’s increasingly scarce water resources will present the latest precipitation and supply data for the state, including southern coastal and desert areas and the Colorado River basin. State climatologist Michael Anderson, Department of Water Resources Interstate Resources Manager Jeanine Jones, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meteorologist Martin Hoerling, and Water […]

Leading scientists and policymakers to discuss California drought research and response

EVENT: What’s really causing California’s epic drought? Is it linked to climate change or not? How are urban water managers responding to mandatory rationing, and are the restrictions enough? Do we have adequate prediction and monitoring tools, and how can they be improved? How is the drought affecting wildlife and ecosystems? Top researchers, water managers […]

Howard Gillman

Howard Gillman to be officially invested as sixth chancellor of UCI

EVENT: A program of dance and impromptu theater hosted by actor Cary Elwes will highlight the investiture of UC Irvine’s sixth chancellor, Howard Gillman. Officially taking the helm during the campus’s 50th anniversary year, Gillman will talk about his vision for UCI’s regional, national and global impact over the next 50 years. WHEN/WHERE: 2-4 p.m. […]