
cochlear implants

From bench to business

The first time Fan-Gang Zeng invented a cochlear implant – a device he believed could help thousands regain lost hearing – things didn’t work out too well. The company that licensed his invention shelved the project. “Today, he says, “it benefits no one.” The hard lesson – that most inventions never reach the consumer – […]

Meeting the walrus

One can only imagine what John Lennon thought of the brash UC Irvine student who turned up at his Weybridge mansion one autumn day in 1967. Lennon must have been somewhat bemused by the college kid sporting wispy facial hair and a jacket he’d embroidered with Lennon’s picture, because instead of shooing David Goggin away, […]

Koohyar Karimi

Chasing beauty

UC Irvine alumnus Koohyar Karimi ’08 thinks he’s found the perfect woman. She has even features, eyebrows that arch at just the right angle, and – as he poetically puts it – “the distance from her subnasale [nostrils] to the cupid’s bow of her lips is exactly one-third the distance from the parting of her lips […]