School of Medicine

Dr. Ralph Clayman

Patient advocate

Levity, gossip and idle chitchat have no place in Dr. Ralph Clayman’s operating room. The pioneer in minimally invasive surgery once asked a gabby colleague to leave in the middle of an operation because the chatterbox lacked focus. Clayman, a urologist so dedicated he gives his home phone number to patients, makes no apologies for […]

Jamie Akiva Kahn

Medical student reflects UCI values

Medical student’s sensitivity and respect for patients reflects spirit of UC Irvine’s Living Our Values award.

Dr. Michael Lekawa

Re-verified UCI trauma center plays critical role

UC Irvine Medical Center, Orange County’s only source for Level I trauma care, gets re-certification nod from American College of Surgeons.

UCI neurobiologist Leslie M. Thompson

Race against the clock

Ask UC Irvine neuroscientist Leslie M. Thompson to describe how Huntington’s disease affects patients, and she replies by turning to her computer. “I can show you,” she says. She clicks on a video of patients she visited in Venezuela. On-screen, a middle-aged man stands on a street corner, swaying as if intoxicated. A woman, no […]

Bryce Spitze and Brenda Campos-Spitze

White coats, bright future

Bryce Spitze and Brenda Campos-Spitze, first married couple to enter UC Irvine’s medical school, intend to play a role in an emerging healthcare system designed to provide affordable, quality care for all.

volunteer Tom Vasich

Playing a patient

Kevin Kilmer is one sick guy — and the first patient many of UC Irvine’s first-year medical students ever see. To them, he’s a 42-year-old man with a bad case of intestinal distress. But Kilmer is more than that. He’s at the heart of an innovative program that teaches medical students the basic exam techniques, […]

Marnie Granados

Ready for PRIME time

An innovative UC Irvine School of Medicine program designed to lessen Latino healthcare disparities in California will produce its first graduates this year. PRIME-LC students will move into jobs as resident physicians and – it is hoped – herald a revolution in healthcare for a third of the state’s residents.