Most online liquid nicotine vendors fail to prevent sales to minors
UCI-led study shows that self-regulation of e-cigarette industry isn’t working
UCI-led study shows that self-regulation of e-cigarette industry isn’t working
Oladele Ogunseitan, chair of UCI’s Program in Public Health, has been appointed to a nine-member state advisory committee on hazardous waste. Ogunseitan, who studies pollution prevention, will help the Department of Toxic Substances Control evaluate and select three pilot projects to reduce hazardous waste as part of the agency’s Community Protection & Hazardous Waste Reduction Initiative.
Oladele Ogunseitan, chair of UCI’s Program in Public Health, will temporarily join the U.S. Department of State later this year as one of 12 Jefferson Science Fellows. An expert on the environmental effects of industrial development and hazardous pollutants, Ogunseitan said he hopes to collaborate with federal officials on improving the regulation of toxic chemicals to enhance health […]
Novel detection method co-developed at UCI ensures that drinking water sources are not compromised by algae blooms
Stacked in gravity-defying arrangements in the western San Bernardino Mountains, near the San Andreas Fault, granite boulders that should have been toppled by earthquakes long ago resolutely remain. In exploring why these rocks still stand, researchers have uncovered connections between Southern California’s San Jacinto and San Andreas faults that could change how the region plans for future earthquakes.
As head of the county’s largest hospital and only medical school, Howard Federoff has his finger on the pulse of the vast UC Irvine Health enterprise
This year’s commencement for UCI’s 50th graduating class will stretch over four days in the Bren Events Center, and 7,057 Anteaters will participate. Ten school-based events will be held, featuring addresses by renowned leaders in business, technology, athletics and law.
Current and former honorees discuss their service projects and subsequent accomplishments – and the award’s lasting influence.
We check in with Kathy Dong, Jasmine Fang and Armaan Rowther in advance of the Tibetan spiritual leader’s summer visit to campus.
Brandon Brown, assistant professor of public health, found a novel way to honor the heroes in his field in the current issue of the Journal of Public Health. His article, “Childhood Idols, Shifting from Superheroes to Public Health Heroes,” promotes the use of superheroes in campaigns to teach young children about the vast world of public health – […]
A fluorescent green limb pokes outward from a cell wall under a high-powered microscope. The filament is loaded with VP40, an essential protein in the Ebola virus. The microscope is capturing it budding out in real time. It’s followed by another and another. Those green protrusions may be the means by which the deadly virus […]