
Peter Donovan and Ping Wang

UCImpact: Stem cell research

It’s been five years since Californians approved Proposition 71, which created the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and authorized up to $3 billion for the emerging field of stem cell biology. Since then, UCI’s program has thrived.

Kathryn Jennell

Organ donation: The gift of life

UC Irvine honors organ donors, recipients and families with rose dedication ceremony, including one woman whose decision to donate her husband’s organs gave rise to a new program at UC Irvine Medical Center.

Year of discovery, growth at UCI

High points of 2009 range from the volleyball court to the operating room with demonstrations of drive and dedication by UC Irvine students, faculty and staff.

Orchards wither in the dry fields near Interstate 5

Water: California’s disappearing resource

The view from space is not pretty as satellites show California groundwater being pumped for irrigation in unsustainable quantities.

Ambient Experience suite

Technology improves cancer treatment at UCI

Recent additions at UC Irvine’s Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center decrease patients’ radiation exposure, increase their comfort.

Katie and Kenny Callen and their son, Gage

UCI alumni help the homeless

The Illumination Foundation, started by six UCI students, helps homeless families find the way back to self-sufficiency.

Dr. Jae Chang

On the case with the blood detective

UCI hematologist Dr. Jae Chang employs medical sleuthing skills to identify rare blood disorders.

Dr. Homayoon Sanati

Treating cancer in older adults

Geriatric oncologist Dr. Homayoon Sanati decries the underrepresentation of seniors in clinical trials. He’s working with his UCI colleagues to provide a solution.

Cake on a scale

Celebrate without the extra weight

As director of UC Irvine’s Weight Management Program, Linda Gigliotti often sees the end results of holiday overindulgence. But the new year doesn’t have to dawn with new pounds, she says, especially if you can make wise food and beverage choices without sacrificing good cheer.

The mummy of Esankh

The mummy’s curse: hardened arteries

A UCI study shows that hardening of the arteries has been detected in Egyptian mummies as old as 3,500 years, suggesting that factors causing heart attacks and strokes are not solely byproducts of modern times.