Vitamin B3 battles memory loss
An over-the-counter vitamin in high doses prevented memory loss in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, and UC Irvine scientists now are conducting a clinical trial to determine its effect in humans.
An over-the-counter vitamin in high doses prevented memory loss in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, and UC Irvine scientists now are conducting a clinical trial to determine its effect in humans.
Scientists and policymakers generally agree that solving the world’s most challenging social and public health problems – AIDS, climate change, cancer, obesity and global terrorism among them – requires collaboration among researchers across a variety of fields.
When a developing baby delivers that first kick inside the womb, it’s a moment of elation for Mom that’s hard to beat.
The potential for automobile versus trick-or-treater accidents is more pronounced this year, says Dr. Frederico Vaca, because Halloween falls on a Friday – prime party time.
UC Irvine broke ground today on a new stem cell research building that will strengthen and unify this fast-growing field on campus and throughout Southern California.
When they arrived at UC Irvine Medical Center, the two dozen Silverado High School students seemed unsure about what was ahead.
UC Irvine is a hot spot for systems biology, a new approach to learning why the human body and other organisms work the way they do.
The immune system is the body’s military force, assigned to protect against disease and infection. But sometimes, the T cells and B cells that carry out this vital mission turn against their host and mistakenly attack healthy tissue in a process called autoimmunity.
The field of public health looks at the big picture, and that image is coming into focus at UC Irvine as its Program in Public Health marks its greatest growth stage in its young, five-year history.
Experts on everything from reconstructing the human hand to interpreting the U.S. Constitution have joined the UC Irvine faculty in the last year.