
Sociology professor receives grant to help build a more representative professoriate

Beginning this fall, incoming School of Social Sciences graduate students will have an opportunity to participate in the Enhancing Diversity and Equitable Inclusion Thriving in the Academy Program. Spearheaded by Belinda Robnett, professor of sociology and associate dean of faculty development and diversity in social sciences, the program is supported by a five-year, $349,996 grant […]

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: How UCI built a research powerhouse with a record funding year

Researchers pull in campus-best $529 million in grants and contracts

NSF grants $18 million to UCI for materials science and engineering center

Researchers will develop new substances for manufacturing, defense and health

Huolin Xin receives early career award from DOE Office of Science

The U.S. Department of Energy has chosen Houlin Xin, UCI assistant professor of physics & astronomy, as an awardee in its DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program. Xin will receive $150,000 per year for five years to support his project to develop transmission electron microscopy imaging technologies for making lithium-ion battery electrodes more […]

UCI to lead $10 million NSF-funded center on protecting personal data privacy

Researchers will address technical, social and policy challenges of networked world

Tom Boellstorff awarded NSF grant to study impact of digital social interactions on post-pandemic life

Tom Boellstorff, UCI anthropology professor, has been awarded a one-year, $195,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study how COVID-19 has reshaped online social interactions and the role virtual worlds may play in social relationships post-pandemic. An unprecedented number of people have been socializing online due to the coronavirus crisis. Boellstorff and his team […]

UCI professor receives NIH grant to develop model to explain child neurobehavioral disorders

Michael Lee, UCI professor of cognitive sciences, has been awarded a five-year, $81,956 grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop mathematical models of brain activity to help understand behaviors in children diagnosed with ADHD and other neurobehavioral disorders. His work is part of a larger study being conducted by Vinod Menon, the director […]

National institute awards $20 million in renewed funding to forensic science center

UCI researchers contribute expertise in criminology, statistics and computer science

NSF grant funds study of partisanship’s effect on health behaviors during coronavirus crisis

Sara Wallace Goodman, UCI associate professor of political science, has received a $53,030 grant from the National Science Foundation to study how partisanship affects individual health behaviors in response to the  COVID-19 pandemic. In March and April, Goodman and her team conducted a survey that coincided with the first peak incidences and lockdown orders in […]

UCI faculty create curricula for kids worldwide confined by coronavirus

U.N.-sponsored Earth School will help children learn about environment