
Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club Members

Older = happier

UCI’s Susan Turk Charles attributes study finding to seniors’ ability to better regulate emotion.

Janice Chang

Making an impact on tinnitus

Public Impact Fellowship recipient Janice Chang hopes a new electronic stimulation therapy can bring relief to tinnitus sufferers.

Update on ‘Week of Action’

Campus community rallies in support of quality education in California.

Protesters wear duct tape over their mouths with "Do UC us?" written on top

Black students ask: ‘Do UC us?’

Black Wednesday silent protest gives visibility to students who say they feel marginalized.

Class clowns make good theater

For Eli Simon, drama department chair and professor of acting, clowning is high art.

Jay Famiglietti

A glass half empty

It may have been a rainy winter, but there’s still cause for concern about California’s water supply. Just ask Jay Famiglietti, UC Irvine Earth system science professor and founding director of the new UC Center for Hydrologic Modeling, which aims to help the state tackle its drought-induced water crisis. Famiglietti recently made headlines when he and NASA […]

San Diego kindergarten students

Dance, drama helps students build language skills

Drama, dance lessons foster speaking skills of K-2 English learners.

Lauren Shea

Student bridges language, science learning

With the help of a Public Impact Fellowship, UCI’s Lauren Shea is developing innovative classroom strategies for learning English.

Neuroscientist James Fallon

Killer instinct

It’s a lecture UC Irvine neuroscientist James Fallon has delivered around the world, even on the hit TV show “Criminal Minds.” Discussing the biological traits of murderers, Fallon describes how he correctly identified 30 killers out of 70 subjects in a double-blind experiment simply by studying their brain scans. Audiences are fascinated. But a couple years ago, […]

The new medical education building

Blazing a trail for 21st century medicine

The new medical education facility was designed with future of healthcare – and the planet – in mind.