Going green in the workplace
UC Irvine graduate student Sara Kirker has a menu of different ideas for helping Laguna Beach restaurants and hotels go green.
UC Irvine graduate student Sara Kirker has a menu of different ideas for helping Laguna Beach restaurants and hotels go green.
UC Irvine’s postdoctoral research staffers asked, “Where’s the love,” and the university responded, making February “Postdoc Appreciation Month.”
UC Irvine’s dance department presents “Dance Visions 2009,” which this year also serves as a celebration of the life and career of an irreplaceable dance treasure, Donald McKayle.
Barack Obama swept into the presidency on a platform of change, one that includes a number of scientific policy and research issues. As a major research university, UC Irvine is deeply involved in some of these key areas – stem cells, global warming and alternative energy, to name a few. Research vice chancellor Susan Bryant discusses how changes made in Washington, D.C., and Sacramento, especially during the current economic crisis, will impact research efforts at UCI.
James Hicks and Michael Dennin could tell you a story about the ontogeny of cardiovascular regulation in reptiles and Langmuir monolayers. Or they could talk to you about the science of WALL-E and Superman.
Civil rights attorney Lani Guinier calls for continued work toward a more just and equal society in MLK week speech at UC Irvine.
UC Irvine community shares thoughts about the inauguration of Barack Obama.
Roundup of events for Martin Luther King Jr. birthday and following week
UC Irvine opens its second clean room suitable for producing microdevices with organic material.
UC Irvine business students are using their investment prowess to beat professional money managers and help offset tuition costs, thanks to a competition believed to be the first funded with real money.