Building homecoming traditions
New Greek Village designed as rally spot for current and former members of UC Irvine fraternities and sororities at Homecoming 2009.
New Greek Village designed as rally spot for current and former members of UC Irvine fraternities and sororities at Homecoming 2009.
UC Irvine’s Film and Video Center showcases the accomplishments of five female filmmakers this month, including movie co-directed by UCI professor Fatimah Tobing Rony.
UC Irvine students Kyle Good and Bryan Le win the $25,000 X PRIZE Foundation’s “What’s Your Crazy Green Idea?” video contest.
Have you ever seen Venus or Saturn through a telescope? How about the Orion Nebula or star clusters? Come view these celestial bodies and more during UCI Observatory Visitor Night from 7-9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21.
Kerry Vandell discusses the current state of real estate and how a UC Irvine-hosted research symposium can benefit the new presidential administration.
Engineer Frank Shi created a novel silicone product. Urologist Ralph Clayman was looking to create a breakthrough device. A serendipitous partnership between the two has the potential to make a serious dent in the multimillion-dollar urologic care marketplace. It also shows that research collaboration, even between faculty members whose offices are miles apart, will be an important part of UC Irvine’s continued growth.
UC Irvine graduate student Sara Kirker has a menu of different ideas for helping Laguna Beach restaurants and hotels go green.
UC Irvine’s postdoctoral research staffers asked, “Where’s the love,” and the university responded, making February “Postdoc Appreciation Month.”
UC Irvine’s dance department presents “Dance Visions 2009,” which this year also serves as a celebration of the life and career of an irreplaceable dance treasure, Donald McKayle.
Barack Obama swept into the presidency on a platform of change, one that includes a number of scientific policy and research issues. As a major research university, UC Irvine is deeply involved in some of these key areas – stem cells, global warming and alternative energy, to name a few. Research vice chancellor Susan Bryant discusses how changes made in Washington, D.C., and Sacramento, especially during the current economic crisis, will impact research efforts at UCI.