Month: January 2024

Study highlights key social forces shaping worldwide academic freedom trends

UC Irvine sociologists find liberty to teach and learn is being threatened

UC Irvine scientists make breakthrough in quantum materials research

The advance will allow researchers to transform everyday materials into conductors for use in quantum computers

Bernadette Boden-Albala, director of UCI’s Program in Public Health and founding dean of the planned School of Population and Public Health.

Bernadette Boden-Albala to be honored for contributions in addressing stroke inequities

UC Irvine Program in Public Health director and founding dean wins 2024 Kenton Award

An artist's rendering of a solar system depicted as a group of ducklings orbiting their mother.

UC Irvine-led team unravels mysteries of planet formation, evolution in distant solar system

Astronomers analyze masses, orbital properties and atmospheric features of six exoplanets

UCI’s Chief Innovation Officer Errol Arkilic.

Karma Automotive drives forward climate innovation with UC Irvine’s RADiCal initiative

The union underscores the deepening connection between the university and industry

Alexandre Chan, UCI chair and professor of clinical pharmacy practice

UC Irvine-led study links biomarkers and chemotherapy-related gastrointestinal symptoms

Predictors may offer new targets for pre-treatment therapeutic approaches

Book cover: Rap on Trial: A Legal Guide

UC Irvine law, criminology experts release second edition of Rap on Trial: A Legal Guide

Manual includes legislative updates on use of rap lyrics, videos in criminal prosecutions

UCI welcomes Year of the Dragon with annual Lunar New Year celebration

EVENT: UCI will celebrate the upcoming Lunar New Year – heralding the Year of the Dragon – with cultural games, hands-on arts and crafts, food, musical and dance performances, an academic discussion, a dragon parade, a lion dance and more. WHEN/WHERE: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 5, with activities and performances beginning in the UCI […]

Gregg Macey (left), director of the Center for Land, Environment and Natural Resources at UCI Law, and Alejandro Camacho, a Chancellor’s Professor of law and faculty director of CLEANR.

Bridging state, local climate action

UCI Law launches groundbreaking program to integrate city land-use plans with California objectives

Woman in front of building looking at camera.

UCI shows education strategy increases patients’ willingness to get vaccinated

Emergency Department offers unique opportunity for general public outreach