Month: April 2021

Coronavirus metrics in Orange County dip to new lows

Orange County Register, April 20, 2021

UC Irvine to open campus partially in July; full return slated for September

Daily Pilot, April 20, 2021

UCI student center with students walking

UCI announces employee, student back-to-campus plans

Transition will focus on flexible work, learning environments

On-campus essential workers Matthew Tendroch (seated) and Justin Hsieh are from the UCI Office of Information Technology’s Wellness, Health & Counseling Services desktop support team, serving the Student Health Center.

When everyone must separate, technology keeps us together

UCI’s Office of Information Technology had a hand in every aspect of UCI’s move to a remote environment, and now is poising the university to come back

NIH grant will fund study of novel approach to repairing permanently damaged retinas

Magdalene Seiler, Ph.D., UCI associate professor of physical medicine & rehabilitation, has been awarded a five-year, $3,823,950 grant from the National Institutes of Health to conduct a preclinical study on rodent models of an innovative co-graft approach to repair permanently damaged retinas. Cell transplantation offers a potential therapy for those who have already lost their […]

Gov. Gavin Newsom calls COVID-19 herd immunity ‘illusory.’ Is he right?

Orange County Register, April 18, 2021

Orange County Reports 79 new cases of COVID-19, five deaths

NBC (City News Service), April 18, 2021

Opinion: 3 ways to support immigration-impacted students

Inside Higher Ed, April 14, 2021 (Opinion)

Meet the nurses who have been battling on the front lines of COVID 19 in OC

Voice of OC, April 17, 2021

Covid will leave deep scars in world economy even after recovery

Bloomberg, April 17, 2021