Month: April 2021

Not all Asian Americans are being vaccinated at high rates. A Chinatown clinic shows why

Los Angeles Times, April 21, 2021 (Video)

Antibody response induced by mRNA vaccination differs from natural SARS-CoV-2 infection

The Medical News, April 21, 2021

Kay Family Foundation gives $1.3 million to UCI Center for Healthspan Sciences

Funding will support health coaching, research and educational programs

Today at 4 p.m. – UCI Being in Community Dialogue: Meaning and Consequences of the Chauvin Verdict

Dear campus community, I am writing to invite you to be in-community this afternoon to reflect on the conclusion of the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who was found guilty on all three charges in the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020. We can only hope that the guilty verdict […]

Chauvin Guilty Verdict & Campus Resources

Dear Anteaters, Today we learned the verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial on the murder of George Floyd. After a lengthy trial, the jury was swift in their decision to find Chauvin guilty and we can rest in the knowledge that, in this case, justice has been served. It has been almost a year since […]

UCI researchers co-author editorial on impact of work stressors on the severity of COVID-19

The pandemic has caused much uncertainty, anxiety and stress, touching on every aspect of our lives. The impact of work stressors on the severity of COVID-19, particularly among essential workers, is discussed in an editorial published online in the April 2021 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and co-authored by UCI’s Peter Schnall, professor emeritus […]

Want pandemic relaxation? Here’s why spending time in outdoor garden spaces might help

Orange County Register, April 20, 2021

Covid shows polarized U.S. politics kills, delays pandemic exit

Bloomberg, April 20, 2021

Campus housing and student volunteers plant various environmentally-friendly trees and ground cover in Palo Verde housing at UCI during Earth Week 2018.

Our campus, our Earth

UCI leads the way in environmental stewardship of the planet

Health experts heighten calls to narrow Orange County’s persisting Latino vaccination gap

Voice of OC, April 20, 2021