COVID-19 year one: OC’s doctors, nurses, community organizations stepped up to curb the virus
Voice of OC, March 19, 2021
COVID-19 year one: OC’s doctors, nurses, community organizations stepped up to curb the virus
UC Irvine epidemiologist and public health expert, [assistant professor] Daniel Parker said state and county response to the pandemic was ‘not as good as I would’ve hoped.” … “The idea you’re going to have a pandemic and ace it is hopelessly naive. There’s always going to be things that caught us off guard,” said UCI epidemiologist, [associate professor], Andrew Noymer. … “I have learned so much, seen so much,” said Dr. Shruti Gohil, who’s an infectious disease doctor treating patients at the UCI Medical Center in Orange. She said the waves of patients and deaths forced her to grow. “I really think that it has made me a better physician, a better epidemiologist. … Gohil, Noymer and Parker all praised the efforts from the community organizations and local health clinics.