Month: May 2020

Coronavirus infections hit hard at Orange County’s Latino community

Voice of OC, May 27, 2020

Researchers outside medicine have a new focus: Covid-19

The Wall Street Journal, May 27, 2020

The Daily 202: Marco Rubio warns of instability without structural changes to help minorities in coronavirus recovery

The Washington Post, May 27, 2020

A Monday Is a Tuesday is a Sunday as COVID-19 disrupts internal clocks

Scientific American, May 27, 2020

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: The race for COVID testing

In March, the UCI Medical Center became the first hospital in Orange County to provide COVID-19 testing. In the UCI Podcast, Dr. Ed Monuki, chair of pathology who leads UCI Health’s testing efforts, discusses how the campus came together to address this community need and how future testing for the coronavirus and its antibodies will […]

What labs can teach us about safely returning to offices

Healthcare Facilities Today, May 27, 2020 (Blog)

Study: Domestic violence reports increased in L.A. during coronavirus crisis

KFI AM 640 (CNS), May 27, 2020

Changing election rules is none of a federal judge’s business, one says

The Fulcrum, May 27, 2020

Texas voters face malicious prosecutions after COVID-19 absentee ballot ruling

Slate, May 27, 2020

CDC: Antibody test results are often wrong and should not be relied on

Business Insider, May 27, 2020