Month: August 2019

UCI scientists awarded $2.7 million for soil nutrient microbiome research

Microorganisms’ reaction to drought could hold clue to surviving climate change

Diverse linguistic environment boosts brain sensitivity to new learning, UCI study finds

Exposure alone may confer some benefits of bilinguality on single-language speakers

UCI-led team creates first high-resolution global map of surface ocean phosphate

Researchers also find plankton more resilient to nutrient stress than previously thought

Tech time not to blame for teens’ mental health problems

Study of 400 teens finds little evidence linking excessive smartphone use and mental health outcomes

Amir AghaKouchak

Amir AghaKouchak to receive American Geophysical Union’s Macelwane Medal

The American Geophysical Union will award its 2019 James B. Macelwane Medal to Amir AghaKouchak, UCI professor of civil & environmental engineering. The medal is given annually to a small group of early career researchers for significant contributions to the geophysical sciences. The AGU recognized AghaKouchak for his fundamental and innovative contributions to the study of […]

microscopic image of cells

Link between brain immune cells and Alzheimer’s disease development identified

UCI study finds absence of microglia prevents plaque formation

Incoming UCI freshmen learn how to properly execute the Anteaters’ “Zot!” hand gesture at a summer session of the campus’s Student Parent Orientation Program.

SPOP 2019!

Incoming freshmen and their parents undergo an intensive but fun two-day orientation process

Online brain games can extend in-game ‘cognitive youth’ into old age, UCI-led study finds

Training enables seniors to multitask mentally on par with those 50 years younger

In first-of-its-kind study, UCI researchers highlight hookah health hazards

Smokers exposed to toxic chemicals, ultrafine particles and carbon monoxide

Study examines a million corals one by one in urgent call to save reefs

UCI biologist among data contributors to large, unprecedented project