Day: December 19, 2018

Assistant professor of Chicano/Latino studies to lead multicampus immigration policy study

Laura E. Enriquez, UCI assistant professor of Chicano/Latino studies, will lead a two-year, multicampus study on the impact of federal immigration policy on the University of California student population. Funded by a $270,000 UC Multicampus Research Programs & Initiatives grant, the project will launch in January. Enriquez will work with colleagues at UC Berkeley, UCI, […]

National Institute of Justice awards grant of $780,000 to professor of psychological science

Elizabeth Cauffman, professor of psychological science at UCI, has received a $780,000 grant from the National Institute of Justice to evaluate the Orange County Young Adult Court. This will be the first randomized control trial in the country of a YAC. Such courts are designed to focus specifically on people between the ages of 18 […]