UCI study: Reduced Sierra Nevada snowmelt runoff to threaten California agriculture
One-degree rise in global winter temps to cause less high country snow accumulation
One-degree rise in global winter temps to cause less high country snow accumulation
Philanthropic support lets researcher translate ‘wacky ideas’ into real-world results
Hiring of 78 educators goes a long way toward strategic plan goal of adding 250 by 2021
Innovative course teaches UCI grad students to better communicate their scientific research to the public
UCI expects to double number of graduate students in Cal-Bridge program
Carbon monoxide used to measure electric forces in single chemical compound
Zombies, space aliens and Superman helped put Michael Dennin on the map. For more than a decade, the genial UCI physics & astronomy professor has used pop culture references to teach complex scientific concepts – on television shows, in class, at comic conventions, and in an online “Walking Dead” course that drew 65,000 participants. The […]
The Nature Index has identified UCI as the most improved institution in North America in terms of the number of papers published in high-quality journals between 2015 and 2017. The index, launched in 2014, is a database of author affiliations and institutional relationships that tracks contributions to research articles appearing in natural science publications. In […]