Biannual faculty writing retreat launched

“Writing is hard – not only for students but also for faculty!” says Ilona Yim, associate professor of psychology & social behavior. She and Elizabeth van Es, associate professor of education, teamed up to create the U See I Write community of faculty members to provide support, promote effective writing habits and improve their writing practice. A group of 26 UCI scholars, representing eight schools and 16 departments, gathered Sept. 23 at the Hotel Laguna in Laguna Beach for the first of what will be biannual faculty writing retreats, sponsored by the Office of Inclusive Excellence. “We couldn’t be happier with the outcome of this retreat,” van Es says. “Participants left with plenty of writing tasks accomplished and new connections made that hopefully will continue to develop.” The next retreat will be held in spring 2017. Those interested in joining the U See I Write community may contact van Es at or Yim at