Month: October 2016

UCI study finds acupuncture lowers hypertension by activating opioids

Researchers with UCI’s Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine have found that regular electroacupunture treatments can lower hypertension by increasing the release of a kind of opioid in the brainstem region that controls blood pressure. In tests on rats, UCI cardiology researcher Zhi-Ling Guo and colleagues noted that reduced blood pressure lasted for at least […]

UCI engineer on team awarded $1.26 million for radio spectrum research

Hamid Jafarkhani is part of a four-institution research team recently awarded a three-year $1,258,741 National Science Foundation grant to enhance the public’s access to radio frequencies – the part of the electromagnetic spectrum used to facilitate telecommunications and modern information systems essential for public safety, transportation and national defense. Jafarkhani, a Chancellor’s Professor of electrical engineering & computer […]

Scary cinema: East vs. West

Dissecting the differences between Asian horror films and Hollywood remakes

UCI and NASA document accelerated glacier melting in West Antarctica

Study findings will help improve predictions about global sea level rise

UCI to host Conference on Poverty & Inequality in California

EVENT:  University of California, Irvine faculty members and community leaders from across the state will gather on campus for the Conference on Poverty & Inequality in California. They’ll discuss some of today’s most compelling issues: the persistence of childhood poverty, the growing inequality gap, and the effectiveness of poverty alleviation programs. WHEN/WHERE:  8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, […]

Hidden treasures

A guide to cool artifacts and art on campus

UCI business professor is lead author of Harvard Business Review article

Could the organizational structure of Samsung have affected the response time in terminating the Galaxy Note7? John Joseph, UCI assistant professor of strategy, is lead author of an article recently published in the Harvard Business Review that answers that question. Co-authored by Ronald Klingebiel, a professor of strategy at Germany’s Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, “Centralized […]

Gorodetsky receives Young Faculty Award from DARPA

­The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has granted UCI materials engineer Alon Gorodetsky a Young Faculty Award in support of his work to create smart fabrics for soldiers. The assistant professor of chemical engineering & materials science is one of 27 researchers nationwide to receive the prestigious award. Gorodetsky studies the adaptive properties of squid skin. He […]

UCI team awarded $2.9 million by NSF for graduate training in data science, STEM

A UCI team led by Padhraic Smyth, professor of computer science and director of the UCI Data Science Initiative, is one of 16 interdisciplinary groups to share $47 million awarded as part of the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship program. UCI will receive $2.9 million, primarily in the form of graduate student fellowships, to develop “team science […]

Sustainable sustenance

UCI to mark National Food Day with first free farmers market, donations to on-campus pantry