Best-selling author of “Crazy Love” to speak at UCI about domestic violence
EVENT: The UCI Initiative to End Family Violence presents “From the Ivy League to a Gun at My Head: Inside the World of an Abuse Survivor,” a talk by Leslie Morgan Steiner, whose book Crazy Love made The New York Times best-seller list. Steiner will discuss the dark story of her marriage, misconceptions about victims of domestic violence and ways we can all help to break the silence.
WHEN/WHERE: 5:30-8 p.m. Thursday, April 14, Pacific Ballroom A/B, UCI Student Center (bldg. 118, grid E8 on campus map)
INFORMATION: This event is free and open to the public. Parking is $10 at the Student Center Parking Structure (grid D9 on campus map). Copies of Crazy Love will be available for purchase. Media planning to attend should contact Paula Korn at 949-824-4620 or Parking is complimentary for media who RSVP in advance.
5:30-6 p.m. – Book signing
6-7 p.m. – Talk
7-8 p.m. – Catered reception and book signing
BACKGROUND: The mission of the UCI Initiative to End Family Violence is to foster interdisciplinary research on family violence prevention and intervention that can affect policy, clinical care, social services and education from local to global levels.