Exploring the abyss
Latest novel by Neal Shusterman ’85 was inspired by his teen son’s struggle with mental illness
Latest novel by Neal Shusterman ’85 was inspired by his teen son’s struggle with mental illness
Ecologically rich mountain cloud forests impacted by drying climate
Oladele Ogunseitan, chair of UCI’s Program in Public Health, has been appointed to a nine-member state advisory committee on hazardous waste. Ogunseitan, who studies pollution prevention, will help the Department of Toxic Substances Control evaluate and select three pilot projects to reduce hazardous waste as part of the agency’s Community Protection & Hazardous Waste Reduction Initiative.
Machine sounds enable reverse engineering of source code
EVENT: Mohamed El-Erian, former PIMCO CEO and author of the newly released The Only Game in Town: Central Banks, Instability & Avoiding the Next Collapse, will talk politics, policies and markets in a three-person panel at UCI. El-Erian is a frequent commentator on the post-2008 financial crisis, the sovereign debt and eurozone crisis, and political upheavals […]