Day: February 3, 2014

Douglas Haynes

‘Downton Abbey’ and diversity

Douglas Haynes is a scholar of British history, fan of the TV series and award-winning champion of equity in faculty hiring

UC Irvine mathematicians, Princeton ecologist publish intriguing stem cell findings in PNAS

Just as humans decide how much of their wealth to spend versus passing it on to their children, stem cells may divide and re-create based on whether it’s more important for them to conserve their genetic identity or pass along a portion of other, nongenetic information to the next generation, according to a paper published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Renowned neuroscientist joins UC Irvine as Distinguished Professor of neurobiology & behavior

Bruce McNaughton, one of the foremost experts on the brain mechanisms underlying memory storage and cognition, has joined the UC Irvine School of Biological Sciences as a Distinguished Professor of neurobiology & behavior.

Potential UCI partnership with Pangea World fostering global economic development, sustainability

EVENT:  “The Economic Epic of Earth’s Evolution: the New Geography, Diplomacy and Legacy for the Knowledge Economy – from California to the World” will introduce a new business model in which luxury resort and estate development is leveraged to benefit global sustainability and transnational research. Presentations by scientists, diplomats, government representatives, members of academia and corporate […]