UC Irvine names Howard Gillman provost and executive vice chancellor
Prominent educator was dean at USC
Prominent educator was dean at USC
Three UC Irvine graduate students have received prestigious NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowships for their research projects involving water and climate. NASA provides the awards, which include up to three years of financial support, to ensure training of a highly qualified workforce in disciplines that support its scientific goals. “Each of these students is amazing […]
Matt Gudorf, campus energy engineer, got a high-five from his peers recently when he was named 2012 Energy Engineer of the Year. The award is presented by the Southern California Chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers for outstanding accomplishments in the field. The Southern California chapter draws from the largest population base of the […]
Irvine, Calif. May 22, 2013 – As the world prepares for what may be the next pandemic strain of influenza virus, in the H7N9 bird flu, a new UC Irvine study reveals that the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic was deadliest for people under the age of 65, while those 65 and over had greater immunity […]
UC Irvine professor of cognitive sciences Michael Lee and colleagues discovered that the collective opinions of users of Ranker—a website that solicits crowd input on a variety of topics—predicted recent celebrity deaths better than individual users, chance or age.
Two hungry young galaxies that collided 11 billion years ago are rapidly forming a massive galaxy about 10 times the size of the Milky Way, according to UC Irvine-led research published Wednesday in the journal Nature.
To make the most of his UC Irvine education, Jose Quintana has thrown himself into politics
Early screening for prostate cancer could become as easy for men as personal pregnancy testing is for women, thanks to UC Irvine research published today in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Children with autism showed significant improvement after six months of simple sensory exercises at home using everyday items such as scents, spoons and sponges, according to
Samuel McCulloch, founding dean of the UC Irvine School of Humanities and professor emeritus of history, died May 13. He was 96.