Day: February 16, 2010

Heliconius erato butterfly

Butterfly vision, wing colors linked

Butterflies that have a duplicate gene allowing them to see ultraviolet colors also have UV-yellow pigment on their wings, reports the study by UCI’s Adriana Briscoe, Seth Bybee and colleagues.

Advancing high-tech breast cancer care

Handheld laser scanner developed at UCI improves detection, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

ARC celebrates 10th anniversary

Anteater Recreation Center celebrates 10th anniversary. Jill Schindele, director of Campus Recreation, says the facility is “different things to different people.”

Joe Alfaro

Grateful to be back on the job

Cancer patient takes his (hard) hat off to UC Irvine doctors in Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

Butterfly gene

Butterflies that have a duplicate gene allowing them to see ultraviolet colors also have UV-yellow pigment on their wings, reports the study by UCI’s Adriana Briscoe, Seth Bybee and colleagues.