Largescale wetlands construction seen as effective treatment for farm runoff

UCI, U. of Kansas and U. of Minnesota experts model Mississippi Basin water quality

UCI study: Reduced Sierra Nevada snowmelt runoff to threaten California agriculture

One-degree rise in global winter temps to cause less high country snow accumulation

UCI-led group suggests ways to better manage urban stormwater runoff

Rain barrels, absorbent roofs, permeable pavement could help reduce waste

Sierra Nevada freshwater runoff could drop 26 percent by 2100, UC study finds

Freshwater runoff from the Sierra Nevada may decrease by as much as one-quarter by 2100 due to climate warming on the high slopes, according to scientists at UC Irvine and UC Merced.

Greenland is dotted with frozen meltwater lakes such as the one above, photographed during a NASA expedition in 2012.

Ice sheet surface melt is accelerating in Greenland and slowing in Antarctica

UC Irvine-led researchers identify contributions of downslope winds and ozone layer

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Evaluating California’s flood risk

Brett Sanders, UCI professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been focusing his research efforts on understanding flood risk to Southern California’s communities. Over the years he has studied the impact of climate change-caused sea level rise along California’s coast. Lately he has been examining flood risk to regions further inland, in many cases affecting […]

UC Irvine researchers create E. coli-based water monitoring technology

Bacterium used as a live sensor to detect heavy metal contamination

UCI flood modeling framework reveals heightened risk and disparities in Los Angeles

High-resolution platform assesses hazards every 10 feet across 2,700-square-mile expanse

Benis Egoh, UCI assistant professor of Earth system science

Seeing the forest through the trees

Three questions with Benis Egoh, UCI assistant professor of Earth system science, who explores arboreal ecosystems

artistic colorful hands, for Building Solidarity With Communities

Building Solidarity With Communities

UCI researchers across campus take an inclusive, collaborative approach to working in local areas