
Photo of Linda Dempsay, first female athletic director at UCI
UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: A walk down memory lane with Linda Dempsay

UCI’s first female athletic director remembers the early days of Anteater athletics and her journey into a world where women were scarce

Andrew Penner

UCI-led study finds pay practices, job barriers to blame for women making less than men

Findings across 15 countries suggest how new policies could resolve continuing issues

Research participants were shown three five-minute, 360-degree videos of urban environments: one depicting a parklike setting, the second consisting of a street view with green space, and the third featuring a street view without green space.

UCI-led study finds virtual green space exposure beneficial to pregnant women

Parklike setting was most effective in reducing physiological and affective stress

Five UCI faculty members make list of world’s top female scientists’s rankings aim to inspire women scholars

Francisco Javier Mercado

Unlocking potential

Cal-Bridge offers funding and mentors to promising undergrads seeking Ph.Ds in science

UCI assistant professor is awarded $100,000 grant for her research into women’s cancers

Gina Lee, UCI assistant professor of microbiology & molecular genetics, is one of 10 researchers to receive a $100,000 grant from the Mary Kay Ash Foundation for their innovative work in seeking cures for cancers affecting women. Lee’s team studies lymphangioleiomyomatosis, a rare tumor syndrome causing uncontrolled cell growth in the kidneys and lungs that […]

The Supreme Court Building

What end of Roe v. Wade means for U.S.

4 UCI experts discuss a key ruling in the latest Supreme Court term

Diane O’Dowd

What is Title IX?

A primer on 1972’s landmark anti-discrimination law

Susan Bryant

Title IX’s lasting impact on UCI

Landmark legislation ‘a profound engine of social revolution’

Kristine Collins

Kristine Collins is named dean of the UCI Division of Continuing Education

Experienced leader dedicated to providing high-quality learning experiences for students of all ages