First-gen forum
New UCI journal gives often marginalized students a platform to share their experiences, explore their identities
New UCI journal gives often marginalized students a platform to share their experiences, explore their identities
With scholarship support, first-gen student pursues second passion: performing arts
Aided by scholarship, transfer student prepares to ‘bring a better quality of healthcare to underserved populations’
Scholarship support helped recent UCI graduate prepare for life of service
With Anteaters heading back to class, we take stock of new stats
UCI strives to boost number of minority students earning STEM degrees
Now 25 years old, UCI’s Summer Scholars Transfer Institute continues to empower local community college students
2018 admissions data reflect campus’s academic strength, diversity
Scholarship program will support 190 transfer students in advanced manufacturing
With a $230,000 grant from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, UCI faculty, led by Richard Arum, dean of the School of Education, have embarked on a project to address the shortage of K-12 math and science teachers. They’re developing a bridge program that will enable community college students to transfer to UCI’s nationally recognized […]