
Study sheds light on evolving views of gender integration within the U.S. military

Servicemembers viewed integration favorably, linking operational effectiveness with female soldiers’ engagement with local communities

UC Irvine seniors Dennis Melka (left) and and Larissa Castro both in military uniforms.

Ready for takeoff

Anteaters in Air Force ROTC are among elite few selected for pilot training after graduation

Dr. Daniel Chow, a major in the U.S. Army Reserves, served as a radiologist at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait this spring.

Double duty

Dr. Daniel Chow serves both UCI Health patients and American soldiers overseas

United States Marine Corps veteran and UCI sociology alumnus Andrew Truong ’23 (fourth from right), pictured with fellow service members.

Giving voice to veterans

UCI certificate program comprises three courses exploring experiences of service members

Emmanuel “David” Sangalang Delacruz (left) and Raymond Lim, a grad student in accounting and secretary of the MCC’s board, display the world map on which visitors to the campus’s Veteran Services Center are invited to pinpoint where they grew up and where they’ve been around the globe.

The vet net

New campus group aims to connect military-affiliated Anteaters for support, advocacy and fun

Students in a classroom, Military veterans participate in a Warrior-Scholar Project academic boot camp.

UCI hosts Warrior-Scholar Project boot camp for fourth year

Summer program prepares transitioning military veterans for college

The Muriel Ansley Reynolds Exhibit Gallery at Langson Library is featuring a special exhibit titled “Snapshots of Orange County in the 1940s: Spaces, Places, Faces” through this fall. This shows the exhibit.

Exhibit explores O.C. in the 1940s

UCI Libraries’ curation team shares inspiration, intent behind displays

The UCI ROTC color guard participates in the 2019 Veterans Day ceremony at the campus flagpoles.

Veterans’ voices

UCI is the nation’s only top research university to offer a certificate program on those who’ve served in the military

Beckman Laser Institute receives Air Force funding for wounded warriors project

Renewed grant of $6.8 million to aid in development of optics-based trauma treatments

The big residency reveal

For Match Day, we profile three graduating medical students on the cusp of starting their careers