
Bryan Doerries

Healing the wounds of war

The ancient Greeks knew the battlefield could leave emotional scars, and they had a distinctive way of dealing with it: They put on a play. Dramas about Achilles and Ajax showed these mythological war heroes suffering from the “divine madness” caused by combat — known today as post-traumatic stress disorder. “Scholars say Greek theater helped […]

Aileen Wiglesworth

Uncovering elder abuse

Physical abuse of the elderly has long been difficult to prove because of older people’s propensity to bruise easily and their sometimes-dubious powers of recall, giving perpetrators a handy defense. But thanks to studies by UC Irvine’s Program in Geriatrics, that’s changing. The research has identified bruises most likely caused by abuse and established that […]

Getting the lead out

Oladele Ogunseitan picks up a cell phone and tosses it into a small wood chipper in his UC Irvine lab. Is he conducting a wacky experiment? Overreacting to one too many dropped calls? Actually, Ogunseitan grinds up old phones for a purely scientific cause: He’s studying toxic electronic waste. Chair of the population health & […]

Ian Parker Photo

Going to extremes

Few people could match the intensity and perseverance of UC Irvine neurobiologist Ian Parker. Maybe they’re not passionate enough about photography to lie in puddles, drive thousands of miles, scale sheer cliffs, sleep outside in the cold, fight altitude sickness and rise hours before the sun. Maybe they’re not so bent on studying cells that […]

In Ansel Adams’ footsteps

Student and staff photographers walk in the footsteps of Ansel Adams, attempting to re-create the master’s photographs shot at UCI in the mid-1960s. Trees and time have changed the campus.

Rachel Moran

Raising the bar

Rachel F. Moran is on a mission. As a founding faculty member at the University of California, Irvine School of Law and the newly elected president of the Association of American Law Schools, she seeks the return of the citizen-lawyer, who not only represents clients but helps improve society. “The vaunted image of the citizen-lawyer, […]

Dr. Leonard Sender

Fighting for their lives

Dr. Leonard Sender is a leading advocate for a neglected demographic: young adults with cancer.

A Holocaust childhood

Almost 20 years ago, Ruth Kluger wrote an account of her remarkable wartime experiences to share with a few friends. Today, her story of growing up Jewish during the Holocaust continues to resonate with countless people worldwide. “I wanted to present as honestly as possible what I remembered of that period — what people might […]

Wilson Ho

How things work

With his power tools, physics and chemistry professor Wilson Ho sheds light on molecules and atoms in action.