
Jessica and Riley Pratt climb a tree

Putting down roots in the tropics

Generous alumni gift guarantees UCI access to tropical studies program.

Catherine Loudon

Going with the flow

Innovative biology course makes the unseen – and its movement – visible.

Michael Clegg

UCI botanist is America’s scientist abroad

With his rosy cheeks and booming laugh, Michael Clegg is often told he resembles Santa Claus, and he logs almost as many miles. The UC Irvine ecology & evolutionary biology professor also is foreign secretary for the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, which means he’s on the road as much as he’s at home in Irvine. […]

Molly Burke

Fly study solves scientific riddle

History of fruit fly research and riddle solved at UCI.

Yellowthroat warbler

Preserving wetlands for science

San Joaquin wetlands manager William Bretz helps preserve the fragile ecosystem for UCI researchers and students, as well as the creatures that depend on the marsh for survival.

Heliconius erato butterfly

Butterfly vision, wing colors linked

Butterflies that have a duplicate gene allowing them to see ultraviolet colors also have UV-yellow pigment on their wings, reports the study by UCI’s Adriana Briscoe, Seth Bybee and colleagues.

Cactus Wren

For the birds

Kristine Preston steps softly onto UC Irvine’s Ecological Preserve, 62 acres of cheerful wildflowers and sweet-smelling sage scrub tucked above University Hills. “We had a pair of birds using this plant two days ago, which is just incredible,” she whispers, pointing to a large prickly pear cactus. The 40-year-old plant is one of a whole […]