Rhyme and reason
New social ecology associate professor Charis Kubrin analyzes rap music lyrics in societal context.
New social ecology associate professor Charis Kubrin analyzes rap music lyrics in societal context.
Professor who grew up in rough LA area credits family and social programs for his success in academia.
Criminology, law & society professor John Dombrink studies changing mores – how what’s considered a sin today can become accepted behavior tomorrow.
As her studies of prison violence, hate crimes and prostitution show, Valerie Jenness is drawn to the gritty side of life.
UCI professor Susan Turner studies crime and punishment to help state policymakers develop prison and parole programs based on effectiveness — not emotion or politics.
Corporate crooks pose greater threat to society than street hoodlums, says UCI’s Henry Pontell.
UCI’s George Tita and colleagues use math to explain crime hot spots, recommend prevention strategies.