Fast-tracked funding
To expedite campus response to pandemic, UCI leadership amasses $2.5 million for COVID-19 research projects
To expedite campus response to pandemic, UCI leadership amasses $2.5 million for COVID-19 research projects
In this episode of the UCI Podcast Video Series, Rachel Martin, UCI professor of chemistry, discusses a project in her lab that centers on finding a way to block the ability of the coronavirus to make copies of itself once it’s inside the human body. Martin highlights that the project, which involves postdoctoral scholars, Ph.D. […]
UCI Health pediatrician Dan Cooper gathers a team to help determine how, when and under what conditions K-12 classroom instruction can safely resume
Interdisciplinary team designs, tests, produces and delivers 5,000 units to medical center within 17 days
‘Mini task force’ of UCI researchers responds to urgent need at medical center
Quick-to-produce devices could help alleviate hospital shortages during COVID-19 crisis
Scientists combine their diverse skills in collaborative effort to hobble COVID-19
The U.S. Department of Energy has selected the National Alliance for Water Innovation – a public-private partnership with more than 35 members, including UCI – to lead an energy and desalination hub addressing water security issues in the U.S. The organization will conduct early-stage research and development on energy-efficient and cost-competitive water treatment technologies. “Desalination […]
Collaborative artworks interact with viewers through artificial intelligence
Scholarly reach and public impact of highly utilized humanities resource are expanded