Hypertensive patients benefit from acupuncture treatments, UCI study finds
Ancient Chinese practice lowers blood pressure, may lessen stroke, heart disease risks
Ancient Chinese practice lowers blood pressure, may lessen stroke, heart disease risks
UCI nursing professor Linda Evangelista has gained national recognition for her involvement in studies to help people with heart conditions, and her latest effort may produce her most significant research achievement yet.
Dr. Dawn M. Lombardo directs a UC Irvine Medical Center program to combat cardiovascular disease through research, treatment and education. She’s especially interested in improving care for women.
A U.S.-Egyptian research team including a UC Irvine cardiologist studied CT scans of mummies – a sampling of the elite in ancient Egypt – and found that almost half showed evidence of coronary atherosclerosis in one or more of the arteries supplying blood to the heart and brain.
When it comes to women and heart disease, UC Irvine Medical Center cardiologist Dr. Dawn M. Lombardo can recite some sobering statistics. Cardiovascular disease kills six times more women than breast cancer, she says. In fact, twice as many women die of it as die of all cancers combined. “It’s the No. 1 killer of women,” Lombardo […]
Dr. Ralph Delfino and his colleagues in UCI’s School of Medicine are on the forefront of efforts to understand the role of vehicle exhaust in human illnesses.