Science & Technology

Gregory Washington

New engineering dean gears up for fiscal challenge

Gregory Washington knows the mechanics of staying cool under pressure.

Crowd mentality

UCI cognitive scientists want to pool people’s opinions to predict the future.

Frank LaFerla

Making memories last

UCI MIND hosts one of the field’s most influential annual Alzheimer’s disease research conferences featuring speakers and presentations showcasing the latest breakthroughs. Center director Frank LaFerla discusses the 2011 conference and exciting research and treatment efforts for the disease.

Like father, like son

Doctor whose dad was the AMA’s first black president is also a trailblazer – in gynecologic surgery.

Ralph Cicerone

They had the whole world in their hands

On the occasion of the Earth system science department’s 20th anniversary, Chancellor Emeritus Ralph Cicerone says UCI was the first to study human impact on the environment in an interdisciplinary way.

Anthony Hizon

Bioinformatics boosters

Summer research program exposes community college students to emerging field.

Waste not, want not

UCI invents way to turn sewage into hydrogen power.

Hongkai Zhao and his former doctoral student Hao Gao

New MO for CT, MRI, and PET

Mathematicians develop safer, cheaper method of internal imaging.

Remote residential research

UCI psychologist uses Google map technology in study of neighborhood effects.

Music Glove

An app a day

New Calit2 division uses technology to put patients in control of their health.