New institute boosts clinical research
New facility for conducting clinical trials will take UC Irvine’s medical research to a new level, allowing overnight stays and supervised diets.
New facility for conducting clinical trials will take UC Irvine’s medical research to a new level, allowing overnight stays and supervised diets.
Lbachir BenMohamed and Dr. Anthony Nesburn with The Gavin S. Herbert Eye Institute of UC Irvine’s ophthalmology department have developed a promising vaccine to prevent ocular herpes, a leading cause of blindness. The vaccine works against the virus that also causes genital warts and may help in the battle against the spread of AIDS.
Professional sports have their annual drafts; medical education has Match Day. That’s when thousands of medical school graduates nationwide learn where they will begin their careers as doctors. A story and photo essay capture the 76 UCI students who learned where they matched in a festive, emotional March 19 event.
While Dr. Sheldon Greenfield’s not quite a household name, he is making a significant impact. He’s helping run a thriving campus research center, and he’s engaged in high-level decision making in California and Washington, D.C., with international implications for biomedical research and healthcare.
Patients move into state-of-the-art hospital rooms as University Hospital opens for the business of healing.
Dr. Laura Mosqueda takes her geriatric expertise on the road with the help of a $2 million grant. The goal: to help other medical specialists relate better to older patients.
As University Hospital at UC Irvine Medical Center opens its doors to patients this month, personnel discuss how the new facility strengthens their ability to provide advanced healthcare.
UC Irvine Chancellor Michael Drake and Erwin Chemerinsky, founding dean of UCI Law School, team up to teach freshmen about civil rights.
Two compounds developed by UC Irvine and Northwestern University scientists prevented cerebral palsy in preclinical animal trials, giving hope that a new drug for humans may be on the horizon.
An innovative UC Irvine School of Medicine program designed to lessen Latino healthcare disparities in California will produce its first graduates this year. PRIME-LC students will move into jobs as resident physicians and – it is hoped – herald a revolution in healthcare for a third of the state’s residents.