
Balancing act

Alison Clarke-Stewart weighs research findings with a healthy dose of common sense

Border crossings (1)

David Malament’s work in relativity never fails to astonish

Dean of deans

William Schonfeld’s two decades of service have had a major impact on the campus’ largest school

Drawing blood

Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez tackles current events with gusto, sparing no one. He is a self-professed “equal opportunity offender.”

From chaos, order

For economist Art De Vany, the natural order that emerges spontaneously from chaos is more efficient and responsive than anything a planner could devise

A good life

In the work of evolutionary biologist and ordained priest Francisco Ayala, science and religion have found a peaceful coexistence

Helping hands

Alumna Shelley Westmore Hoss strives to improve the quality of life in Orange County

Of human bonds

A scholar’s exploration of altruism ultimately took her to its opposite, genocide, and to an understanding of the common ground both share

East meets West

UCI researchers using high-tech tools are gaining insight into how the Eastern practice of acupuncture works. New medical treatments may result

Information is power

For Hoda Anton-Culver, data is key to the early detection and treatment of cancer