
Studying kids at home alone

Graduate student Maria Parente studies the effect of unsupervised after-school settings for children.

UC Irvine Student Center

Student Center design turns green to gold

UC Irvine Student Center earns kudos for its Earth-friendly design and construction, and it’s healthy for students, too.

Jennifer Bates undergoes an ultrasound 26 weeks

A new measure of babies’ health

Current guidelines for normal fetal growth don’t align with the ethnic diversity of the childbearing population. UC Irvine researchers will share a $1.7 million grant to devise new definitions.

Claudia Czimczik

Working the Amazon soil

Earth scientist Claudia Czimczik digs in Peru for new dirt on global warming.


Squashing mosquito-borne disease

With a $10,000 award from the UCI Graduate Division, Thomas Gilbreath will study how land-use in Africa affects the mosquito population and spread of malaria. The fellowship supports students whose research could have significant public impact.

UC Irvine sociologist Cynthia Feliciano

Internet love not colorblind, study says

UCI study of online daters shows race-based preferences prevail, especially among whites.

Michelle Spooner

Songfest sets the stage for hope

“Songfest” a Broadway-style revue starring more than 150 students from 18 fraternities and sororities plays at the Bren Events Center April 24. This year, it raises funds for UC Irvine Medical Center’s Young Adult Cancer Program.

Lucas Hilderbrand

VHS legacy unraveled

The rise and fall of the VHS format and it’s influence on popular culture is explored in a new book by Lucas Hilderbrand, film & media studies assistant professor.

Shih Chieh Huang's EX-I-09 exhibit

Mechanical sculpture

Artist transforms electrical detritus into imaginary, evolving organisms in current Beall Center exhibit.

Student groups go for the green

UC Irvine students want to foster a sustainable culture that moves beyond hemp bags and energy-efficient light bulbs.