September 28, 2021
Can you get your COVID booster (or regular COVID vaccine) and flu shot at the same time? Here’s what doctors say
Parade, Sept. 28, 2021
Over time, as millions of people received doses, experts gained more knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccine. They were able to look at whether the timing of vaccine administration was an issue, explains David Souleles, MPH, director of the COVID-19 Response Team at the University of California, Irvine. “There are no timing concerns now,” he says. … [Many people are] wondering if they should get their flu shot first and then get a COVID booster, or if they should get a COVID booster first and then get a flu shot. “They should actually do both,” says Jonathan H. Watanabe, PharmD, PhD, associate dean of assessment and quality and professor of clinical pharmacy at the University of California, Irvine.