Vice Provost Michael Dennin wins Idea Competition
His “Eliminating Institutional Racism in Undergraduate STEM Education” project provides roadmap for undergraduate education advances

Michael Dennin, vice provost for Teaching & Learning, dean of the Division of Undergraduate Education and professor of physics & astronomy at UCI, was named a winner of the Idea Competition on Imagining the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
The competition drew 160 entries from competitors nationwide. With prompts “What should undergraduate STEM education look like in 2040 and beyond to meet the needs of students, science, and society?” and “What should we do now to prepare?”Vice Provost Dennin’s submission, titled “Eliminating Institutional Racism in Undergraduate STEM Education,” was among the 25 winners.
Speaking on his win, Vice Provost Dennin says:
“I’m thrilled that the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are exploring these important questions and providing a platform where we can discuss them. When it comes to equality and inclusivity in undergraduate STEM education—and university education in general—there’s a lot of work to be done. However, by having these conversations and acknowledging that change needs to happen, we are effectively moving in the right direction.”
Along with the other winning entries, Vice Provost Dennin’s submission will be highlighted at a public symposium held by the National Science Foundation in partnership with the National Academies on November 12, 13 and 19, 2020. The symposium will delve into the ideas generated by the competition and determine steps for achieving them. Additionally, the symposium will play a role in influencing funding priorities for the National Science Foundation and other organizations.
Vice Provost Dennin’s full submission can be viewed here. Additional information on his win can be found here.