UCI vice provost speaks at Haiti Tech Summit
Michael Dennin, UCI vice provost for teaching and learning as well as dean of undergraduate education, was a featured speaker at the 2018 Haiti Tech Summit. He shared best practices for advancing education with local and international industry and government leaders, entrepreneurs and investors interested in helping to revitalize Haiti’s technology infrastructure and encourage entrepreneurship. “Education should be the foundation of rebuilding any struggling economy, as it prepares students for tomorrow in classrooms today,” Dennin said. “The educational landscape has changed, and students need to be versatile and fluent in technology to meet the challenges of the global marketplace.” UCI’s Lydia Natoolo, who this month earned a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences, and Andrew Truong, a graduate student in civil & environmental engineering, also attended the event, where they communicated to conference leaders and attendees their ideas for helping Haiti: Natoolo through the creation of a sustainable and scalable nonprofit, and Truong by integrating technology to build houses that can better withstand natural disasters. The second annual summit was held June 21-23 in Côte des Arcadins.